
Innovation Management and Operational Strategies is an open access and peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to the advancement of management science.

It publishes original research in all areas of management, accounting, and economics, broadly defined and including Strategic management, Industrial management, Financial management, Accounting, Economy with monetary and financial orientation, Business management, Human resource management, Manager of organizational behavior, Educational management, Executive management, Innovation management, Engineering industries, Financial engineering, Production and operations management, Health management, Tourism management, and other topics.
This research typically uses analytical, empirical archival, experimental, and field study methods.
Articles must show a high level of critical analysis, employ an appropriate research approach, provide empirical evidence to support conclusions, and establish the local and international significance of their findings.


1- Innovation management

2- Industrial management (decision-making, innovation in production, etc.)

3- Financial management (new financial tools, etc.)

4- Accounting (performance of managers, etc.)

5- Information technology (financial technology, etc.)

6- Entrepreneurial management; and

7-  other topics related to the title of the journal.